Christian Formation
If you're new to the Episcopal Church, you may be used to calling these Sunday School and Children's Church. Regardless of the label, these are times we set aside for engagement with Scripture and each other.
The classes listed below are held every Sunday.
Sunday Formation for all Ages
Adult Forum | Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Children & Youth Formation
Ages 0-6 Nursery: Parents/Guardians are welcome to drop off children with a nursery worker in the nursery room off of the Parish Hall. Please leave a name and phone number on the sign in board in the hallway. Nursery is available beginning at 9:50 through the 10:00 a.m. service
Grades K-3 Godly Play: Based on the Montessori method, Godly Play uses a careful telling of scripture stories, engaging story figures and a variety of creative activities to encourage children to seek and find answers to faith questions. Offered Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Grades 4-8 EKC (Episcopal Kids Community): EKC Jr. will use a number of resources to discuss all aspects of the church – the Bible, our spirituality, our church community, and starts to navigate harder questions around religion and God. Offered Sundays at 11:00 a.m. \
Grades 6-8 EYC, Jr. (Episcopal Youth Community, Jr.): this ministry prepares our junior high children for the EYC group, which is active on the Diocesan level. The curriculum we use starts to look at bigger issues such as: the role of the Episcopal church in our lives; in our communities; in our world; how do we live our faith; and why does faith/spirituality even matter. We meet weekly on Sunday evenings
Grades 9-12 EYC (Episcopal Youth Community): is a ministry that specifically teaches teenagers through the lens of the Episcopal Church. This group is active on the Diocesan level, and when possible, meets with other EYC groups in the area and statewide. This fall we will be focusing on social justice issues, using curriculum similar to Sacred Ground. We meet weekly on Sunday evenings
Procedures for Children’s Ministries:
· Children can go to their respective classrooms at the 11 a.m. hour in the new education wing of the church.